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Run Node

The following documentation is intended to assist any individual or organization in participating in the Oasis network as a node operator. To join the network we recommend you first try running a node on the Testnet. The Testnet is a playground where you can learn and experiment without the risk of losing real tokens.

Oasis Network consists of the consensus layer and ParaTimes. Consensus and ParaTime nodes can be operated by anyone.


Consensus layer is a decentralised set of 120 validator nodes that are a backbone of the Oasis Network. The current validator set size is determined by governance - the network started with 80 nodes in the validator set in 2020 and has expanded to 120 nodes over the past few network upgrades. Current node operators can be seen on a block explorer such as Oasis Scan.


Operating a ParaTime Node on the Mainnet requires the participation of node operators who have the validator node in the active validator set. ParaTimes have their own reward system, participation requirements and structure. As a node operator you can participate in any number of ParaTimes.

If you have any questions about running a node you can find us on Discord.

Node Roles

To run a Validator node, make sure your system meets the Hardware and the System prerequisites and has Oasis Node installed.

Then proceed by following the Run a Validator Node guide to:

  • Create your entity.
  • Initialize and configure your node.
  • Put enough stake in your escrow account.
  • Register your entity on the network.

To run a ParaTime node make sure to first set up a Validator node. Then, set up a trusted execution environment (TEE), if you want to run confidential ParaTimes. After that, proceed to the Run a ParaTime node.

If you are building a service on top of the Oasis Network, you will simply want to set up your own Non-validator node and (optionally) a ParaTime client node. This way, your service will not depend on third party endpoints which can be behind a traffic limiter, can go down unexpectedly, or they can have some more CPU-intensive queries disabled which you would like to use.

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