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Let's get started and make our new project. You will need Node.js version 18.

We will be using a monorepo for both the frontend and backend of our dApp.

mkdir opl-secret-ballot;
mkdir opl-secret-ballot/backend;
mkdir opl-secret-ballot/frontend;

Our smart contracts will live inside a Hardhat project under opl-secret-ballot/backend, and our VueJS app will be in the opl-secret-ballot/frontend.


We suggest using pnpm, and creating a workspace file opl-secret-ballot/pnpm-workspace.yaml with the following content:

packages: [frontend, backend]


Let's create a new Hardhat project.


Currently we are compatible with Hardhat up to 2.16. You may need to specify the version of Hardhat to install.

cd opl-secret-ballot/backend && npx hardhat init

When initializing the Hardhat application, we would like to use the backend directory as the project root.

Hardhat project root: · /Users/oasis/opl-secret-ballot/backend

We would like to set @oasisprotocol/secret-ballot-backend as the package name inside package.json at version of 1.0.0.

Finally, we need to install the following dependencies:

  • @oasisprotocol/sapphire-contracts contains the OPL Solidity smart contracts.
  • @oasisprotocol/sapphire-hardhat integrates Sapphire using the Hardhat config file.
  • @openzeppelin/contracts contains standardized DAO contracts which we will use to build the secret ballot application.
npm install -D @openzeppelin/contracts @oasisprotocol/sapphire-contracts @oasisprotocol/sapphire-hardhat

You should be able to start your localhost Hardhat node.